Choosing the bikini that best suits you seems like a difficult task, but it really isn't. Many times we martyr ourselves and try to change our body when the most important thing is to accept its forms and be able to maximize them. Today we bring you several tips that can help you when choosing your bikini, for this, we will take into account three factors: shoulders, chest and waist.


very marked shoulders

If you have very marked shoulders, it is best to use tops that have an asymmetrical, halter (tied at the neck) or triangle shape. In this way, we divert attention from this area to focus on another, such as the waist, using ruffles or colorful prints.
In this case, we recommend our basic triangle top, you can adjust it to the neck with a bow and use very striking colors such as our orange or neon green. A combination that highlights the top in its silhouette to capture the attention of the eyes.

Unmarked or narrow shoulders

If your case is the opposite, it is best to find a swimsuit or bikini that highlights the area. In this case, you can use marked necklines using push-up or fillers and a simple cut panties.
Any of our tops will highlight this area. We recommend that when you buy your bikini, you add one of our padding to the shopping cart or go to the nearest haberdashery to buy it. In this way, your chest will appear larger and your silhouette will be highlighted.


big chest

If you have a large chest, the first thing you have to do is forget about the tiny tops. You'll need a top that supports you well and won't make you uncomfortable when you get in the water.

You can use large and reinforced tops (for example with underwire), V-shaped, sporty or halter necklines (tied at the neck). Also, wide straps and double-stitched bands are recommended. We recommend using solid tones and if you are a lover of patterns, keep them discreet.

From the great Quelton team, we work for the comfort of our clients and make bikinis that adapt to all bodies. In this case, we recommend the triangle top fitted around the neck with a very strong bow or other tighter models that hold even more.

small chest

If you have a small chest, finding a top that enhances your bust can be a challenge. The main objective is to create volume and that is why those tops with ruffles, bows, laces, etc. are recommended to make it bulge. Also, if you are a lover of patterns, this is your opportunity. The more striking, the better!

You can use push up or padded necklines to increase volume. In our accessories section you can find fillers to shape your chest and make the bikini look better. In addition, we recommend you use the basic triangle top with different ways to tie it, these are some of them:


wide hip

A wide hip is one that corresponds to triangular or pear-shaped figures. The main objective will be to divert attention from this area and focus on another. The first thing you should do is avoid those panties (or bottoms) that have ornaments and focus on the simple ones with a smooth print.
High-waisted panties are now very fashionable and could be your friend this summer. In our case, we recommend our panties without ties to avoid decorations.

narrow hip

They are those silhouettes that are characterized by being rectangular or having a poorly defined waist. One of the shapes that most favor these bodies are trikinis and if they have side openings, better (they highlight the curves).
Another of your allies with the low-waisted panties that have ruffles or bows. The more volume the better. From the Quelton team, we recommend our panties with ties on both sides of the waist. Also, when you put it on, place the ties above the waist to create a greater sense of waist.
Also, you can use the wrap around your waist to highlight your hips like in this photo:



If your body has many curves and your body tends to be oval, we recommend bikinis and swimsuits with dark prints and always avoid colorful ones. Vertical stripes and two-tone swimsuits (on the sides) take inches off the waist and elongate the silhouette.
For panties, those that are retro and high waisted will help you hide your tummy. From the great Quelton team, we recommend the panties without ties that do not add volume to the hips.
Thank you very much for reading us!