Colección Meraki ¡Nuestra primera colección cápsula!

Meraki Collection Our first capsule collection!

Every year we go one step further and for 2022 we have many surprises prepared. The first of these is our first capsule collection. In this article we will explain in detail how we have done it, our goals and other actions we have planned for the summer. Don't miss it!

Why a capsule collection?

Quelton turns three and although most have been full of good moments, we have also had some bad ones that have made us reflect and be able to continue improving our weak points.
The value proposition of our company is to give our clients the opportunity to live a unique experience and to be able to exploit their creativity to design their own bikini. In this way, we bet on the different, the creative and the revolutionary.

Many of our clients wrote us by direct message and asked us for help to design their bikini. Most of them defined themselves as "not creative" or without the ability to imagine the combination of the fabrics together.
This was the moment in which we decided to launch capsule collections with limited editions of bikinis with our favorite fabrics. The main objective is to inspire the most creative from our designs and offer exclusive designs for those undecided.

Meraki Collection What does it mean?

During this summer, we want to give each of our capsule collections a special name. After brainstorming with many words that had a strong meaning and encompassed many things, one of them was "Meraki"

Meraki is much more than just a word. We could call it a concept or a philosophy of life that is applied to the most everyday actions.

It is a Greek word that if we translate it literally would be "to do something with love and with pleasure". Therefore, Meraki is to put the soul, the heart, the creativity and illusion in everything that is passionate about. When we put all this, we leave an imprint of ourselves in everything that passes through our hands and life.
After reading this definition, we looked at each other and knew that it was going to be the first name of our first collection. Everything mentioned above perfectly defines what Quelton means to both of them.

How are the bikinis?

Our first collection will consist of 11 limited edition bikinis full of color and life. We wanted to represent the joy of launching our first collection. You can find all kinds, more daring or less.

What did you think? They are already available on our website.

Do not miss yours!